Over a year ago now, I decided to try out alternative treatment for fibroid tumors. I had large fibroids and was reluctantly going down the surgery route, but had a month’s “window” before starting hormonal blockers to shrink them temporarily to make surgery easier.I knew that they were benign and therefore felt fully justified in trying out an alternative before I went under the knife.When originally diagnosed, I was told that I had several fibroids, the largest being the size of a grapefruit. I had terrible symptoms, which included flooding during each period and terrible cramps. I was also partially incontinent, iron deficient and tired all the time! My sex life took a hit too. I looked permanently pregnant and intercourse was the last thing on my mind!I knew about all the inherent risks of a hysterectomy but initially felt I had no other options. However, as many of us do, I began searching on the internet and came across an alternative treatment for fibroid tumors. Being a natural skeptic, I must have read the information half a dozen times before taking the plunge and pressing the “buy” button. However, I figured that I really did have nothing to lose. My surgery was looming and I would have done (almost!) anything to avoid it.The alternative treatment for fibroid tumors which I used centered around treating the root causes of fibroids. Although it is almost impossible to isolate the causes in individual women, by dealing with each and every possible root cause and no stone is left unturned. I can understand that some women might find it difficult to find the motivation to stick with the treatment, but as my symptoms were so bad, this was all the motivation I needed!Excessive estrogen is one of the main causes of fibroid tumors. This is not only the naturally occurring estrogen, but estrogen mimicking compounds which originate from pesticides and environmental toxins. Maintaining a healthy weight can help to reduce natural estrogen, although removing estrogen mimicking compounds can be more difficult and the only way to successfully remove them is by performing a liver detox. To do a liver detox, you must drink plenty of water (a minimum of 2 liters) and avoid eating processed meats. Certain herbs, including Milk Thistle can be used to cleanse the liver.Another useful alternative treatment for fibroid tumors is to eat foods which have natural anti-inflammatory properties, such as oats, hops and cumin as it is thought that many women with fibroids are sensitive to inflammatory conditions.The symptoms I experienced, such as bloating and heavy periods began to diminish in just a couple of weeks. Noticeable fibroid shrinkage began after about 6 weeks and within 4 months, my largest fibroid had shrunk by just over a third.